Update Claims Details (Bulk Operation)
Update Claims Details
Step 1: From the claim list, select claims you want to update.
Step 2: Click 'Bulk Update' and then select 'Update Claims Details'.
Step 3: The first step during the claim details update process is to manage assets (if necessary).
This table includes shipment items that were used in the claims creation process. In this table, you can find references to both assets and the shipment items they belong to.
Add or remove assets to/from claims in the leftmost columns of the Shipment Item Asset List.
Table Structure:
A. Order Item No.
B. Shipment items that were used in the claims creation process.
C. On the right side panel, you'll see all the assets you selected to claim. You can add or remove assets from/to the claim.
For serialized assets: there is a dropdown where you can select and view the assets by their serial numbers.
Step 4: Click 'Next'.
Step 5: Update claims details if necessary.
Step 6: Click 'Next'.
Step 5: Add assets to non-delivered shipment items (if necessary).
This step will appear only if you have non-delivered shipment items.
Select assets that were removed from the claim to add these assets to non-delivered shipment items. The 'Addable Qty.' field indicates the available quantity of assets you can add.
Table Structure:
A. The order item row divider allows you to indicate what order item you're working on
B. The blue row indicates the shipment item that was used to claim assets from. Parameters in this row are non-editable and serve as a reference.
C. The rows below indicate non-delivered shipment items
D. The right-side panel demonstrates the assets you removed from the claims and potentially can be added to non-delivered shipment items.
You can only select one shipment item per order item group to add assets.
Step 6: Click ‘Next’.
Step 7: Remove assets from non-delivered shipment items (if necessary).
This step will appear if you have non-delivered shipment items.
Select claimed assets that you would like to remove from non-delivered shipment items in the 'Remove Qty.' field. The 'Removable Qty.' field indicates the available quantity of assets.
Table Structure:
A. The order item row divider allows you to indicate what order item you're working on
B. The blue row indicates the shipment item that was used to claim assets from. Parameters in this row are non-editable and serve as a reference.
C. The rows below indicate non-delivered shipment items
D. The right-side panel demonstrates the assets you selected to claim and potentially can be removed from non-delivered shipment items.
Step 8: Select all removable assets, or choose specific assets by expanding a dropdown (only applicable for serialized assets).
Step 9: Click 'Submit'.
Step 10: A confirmation banner will appear, communicating the actions that will be triggered.
Step 11: A green banner will appear at the top of the claim list when claims are updated successfully.
Updated 9 months ago