Assets Bulk Operation
Getting Started
To view your organization’s list of Assets, click on the 'plane' icon on the left navigation bar.
Asset List Layout
The Asset List shows the assets owned, operated, or managed by your organization.
Searching on Asset List
The Search bar on the Asset List allows you to search for specific Blockchain Aviation Assets on Block Aero that your organization manages. You can use the parameters or unique identifiers to search for your Asset.
Searchable Parameters |
Model Number |
Serial Number |
Part Number |
A/C Reg No. |
Exporting the Asset List
Available Export Data Types |
Table Data |
Serial Number Update Template |
Step 1: Click the checkbox on the leftmost column of the Assets you want to select.
Step 2: The option to Export will appear on the top of the Asset List. Click "Export" to choose the template you want to export.
Step 3: Your template will be downloaded onto your local computer immediately.
Export method will differ based on the number of Assets
If you are exporting less than 500 Assets, the excel template will be downloaded onto your local computer immediately. Exporting excel templates with more than 500 Assets will be sent to you via email.
Step 4: You may open the template in Excel format and view the data on your computer.
Issue Documents
There are 3 types of documents that are available for issuance on Block Aero. These documents can be issued in bulk on the Asset List.
- ARCs
- Certificate of Conformity
- Transfer Document
For a more detailed guide about Issuing Documents, please refer to our guide on Issue Documents On-chain
Step 1: To issue documents for your Assets on the Asset List, select the Asset type from the dropdown list that you would like to issue documents.
Step 2: Click on the checkbox on the leftmost column of the assets you want to select to issue documents.
Step 3: The option to update your asset in bulk will appear at the top of the list. Click "Bulk Update" to proceed.
Step 4: Expand the dropdown list and click the "Issue Document" button.
Step 5: On the issue document page, choose the type of documents you would like to issue.
Update Placeholder Serial Number of Assets
Placeholder serial numbers are generated upon registering of your Assets on Block Aero, which matches the Blockchain ID of your Assets. You can change these placeholder serial numbers with the following options below.
Option 1: Update Assets' Serial Numbers on the platform
Option 2: Update Assets' Serial Numbers using excel template
Option 3: Update Assets' Serial Numbers using existing excel template
Option 1: Update Assets' Serial Numbers on the platform
Step 1: You can update your assets' serial numbers without downloading any template. Click the checkbox on the leftmost column of the assets you want to select.
Step 2: The option to update your asset in bulk will appear at the top of the list. Click "Bulk Update" to proceed.
Step 3: Expand the dropdown list and click the "Update Serial Number" button.
Step 4: You will be redirected to the page on which the selected assets will be shown for you to update the serial numbers.
Step 5: Once you have updated your assets' serial numbers, click "Submit" to confirm your changes.
Step 6: Once your assets' serial numbers are successfully updated, a green banner will appear at the top of your Asset List.
Option 2: Update Assets' Serial Numbers using excel template
Step 1: Select the checkbox on the leftmost column of the asset you want to select.
Step 2: The option to update your asset in bulk will appear at the top of the Asset list. Click "Bulk Update" to proceed.
Step 3: Expand the dropdown list and click the "Update Serial Number" button.
Step 4: Click "Export Template" to download the assets you selected.
Step 5: Excel template is exported to your local computer.
Step 6: Enter your assets' serial numbers in the excel template
Step 7: Once the new serial numbers are entered, you can upload the template.
Step 8: Please choose the correct template to upload from your local computer.
Step 9: Once your data is uploaded successfully, a green banner will appear at the top of the page table, and your data will be imported.
Step 10: Once you confirm all serial numbers, you can click "Submit" to complete the update.
Step 11: A green banner will appear at the top of the Asset List once your repair orders are successfully updated.
Option 3: Update Assets' Serial Numbers using existing excel template
Step 1: Click the "More Options" button to expand the dropdown list.
Step 2: Select the "Update Serial Number" option in the dropdown list.
Step 3: You will be directed to a page to upload your template. You can obtain the template by exporting the data from the Asset List.
Step 4: Please choose the correct template from your local computer to upload.
Step 5: Once your data is uploaded successfully, a green banner will appear at the top of the page table, and your data will be imported.
Step 6: Once all your data has been updated, click "Submit" to complete the update.
Step 7: Once your assets' serial numbers are successfully updated, a green banner will appear at the top of the Asset List.
Update Assets' Serial Numbers by Part Certificate Form
If there is an existing serial number (Non-placeholder number) attached to your asset assigned by your organization, you will be required to issue a Part Certificate Form as proof and traceability for your asset that is undergoing a serial number update.
We will use ARC in this example, similar behaviour can be performed for other documents.
Step 1: Click on the checkbox on the leftmost column of the assets you want to select to update the serial number.
Step 2: The option to update your asset in bulk will appear at the top of the list. Click "Bulk Update" to proceed.
Step 3: Expand the dropdown list and click the "Issue Document" button.
Step 4: On the issue document page, click on the Authorised Release Certificate.
Step 5: Select your document subtype as “Return to Service”, then click “Issue Document”.
Step 6: Your Repair Order assets will appear on the “Selected Assets” List. Click “Next”.
Step 7: Select the certificate that provides the authorization information required by the regulatory basis for the document you are issuing, then click “Next”.
Step 8: Under the “Asset Information” section, enter the new serial number of your assets.
Step 9: Once all the serial numbers are updated, click “Next”.
Step 10: The ARC details will be generated and the updated serial numbers will appear in the document. Click to sign for the QR code to appear and create the certificate on the blockchain and approve the change.
Step 11: Your ARC is now signed and the serial number is updated! Click on “See List” to view the list of issued ARCs.
Step 12: A green banner will appear at the top of the asset list to indicate that your ARCs have been issued successfully!
Step 13: The serial number update will be captured by the system, and the asset transaction history will be recorded in the asset profile details to indicate an update in the serial number has been made.
Updated 3 months ago