Modify Outbound Quantity

Getting Started

Under the Shop Visit tab of your Repair Order Details page, you can Modify the Outbound Quantity of your Repair/Exchange Assets.


Modify Outbound Quantity

Modifying Outbound Quantity of Repair Assets

Step 1: On the leftmost column of the Repair Assets List, select your Repair Assets by clicking the checkbox.


Select Repair Assets

Step 2: Click the "Modify Outbound Quantity" Radio button on the top row of the Repair Assets List.


Modify Outbound Quantity

Step 3: Input your new modified Quantity into the "Modify to" field.


Input new Quantity

Step 4: Once the Modified Outbound Quantity of your Repair Assets is confirmed, click "Submit".


Submit Modified Outbound Quantity

Step 5: A green banner will appear at the top of the Repair Assets List when your Repair Assets Outbound Quantity is updated successfully.


Outbound Quantity updated successfully

Modifying Exchange Assets Quantity

Step 1: On the leftmost column of the Exchange Assets List, select your Exchange Assets by clicking the checkbox.


Select Exchange Assets

Step 2: Click the "Modify Outbound Quantity" Radio button on the top row of the Exchange Assets List.


Modify Outbound Quantity

Step 3: In the “Modify to” field, fill in the new Quantity. The total Exchange Quantity after your modification will be shown in the right field.


Input new Quantity

Step 4: Once the Modified Outbound Quantity of your Repair Assets is confirmed, click "Submit".


Submit Modified Outbound Quantity

Step 5: A green banner will appear at the top of the Repair Assets List when your Exchange Assets Outbound Quantity is updated successfully.


Outbound Quantity updated successfully

Removing Repair/Exchange Assets

Step 1: On your Repair or Exchange Assets List, click on the Assets you would like to remove.


Removing Repair/Exchange Assets

Step 2: In the field of “Modify to”, change the Quantity to 0.


Changing Outbound Quantity to 0

Step 3: Once the Outbound Quantity is modified, click “Submit”.


Submit the Modified Outbound Quantity

Step 4: Click “Remove” to confirm to remove the Assets from the List.


Confirm removing assets

Step 5: A green banner will appear at the top of the Assets List when your Asset is removed successfully.


Repair/Exchange Asset is removed successfully


The Total Outbound Quantity of Repair/Exchange Assets under the List cannot be 0.


Outbound Quantity needs to be >0