Shipment Items

A shipment item is an item included in a shipment that connects the assets of an order item to the shipment. It includes details such as shipping invoice number, delivery note number, container dimensions, and fee details.

Getting Started

To access your organization's shipment item list, click ‘Shipment Items’ tab.

Shipment Item List Layout

Searching on Shipment Item List

The search bar on the shipment item list allows you to search for specific shipment item within your organization. You can use a variety of parameters to search for your shipment items.

Searchable Parameters
Shipment Type
Shipment Status
Ship From
Ship To
Freight Forwarder
PO No.
Order Item Serial No.
Customer Issue No.
Customer Nominal No.
Customer Work Order No.
Part No.
Destination ESN Model
Destination ESN
Shipping Invoice No.
Delivery Note No.
Import Authorization No.
On Hand No. or Box (Case) No.