
A claim is a request for the return or refund of a product due to dissatisfaction, damage, or other issues. It includes details such as status, claim opened date, and reason for the claim.

Getting Started

To access your organization's сlaims, click ‘Claims’ tab.

Claim List Layout


Approved Vendor Internal ID and Customer Internal ID can't be sorted.

Searching on Claim List

The search bar on the сlaims list allows you to search for specific claims within your organization. You can use the following parameters to search for your claims:

Searchable Parameters
Claim Status
Reason Code
Reason Sub-code
Claim Disposition
Material Disposition
Customer Claim No.
Vendor Claim No.
Procurement Manager Claim No.
Customer I-TAG No.
Customer RCA No.
Credit Memo No.
Part No.
PO No.
Order Item Serial No.
Customer Name
Approved Vendor Name
Customer Issue No.
Customer Nominal No.
Customer PO No.
Customer Work Order No.
Destination ESN Model
Destination ESN