Activity Log

Getting Started

To view your organization’s Activity Log, click the 'Activity Log' tab on the Procurement Manager Profile Navigation Tab.

Activity Log Layout

The Procurement Manager Activity Log displays your organization’s activity and provides quick access to specific activities based on the Record Type.


Approved Vendor Internal ID and Customer Internal ID can't be sorted.

There are 7 different record types shown in the Activity Log.

Available Record Types on Activity Log
Customer Requested Delivery Date
Customer Delivery in Full Date
Vendor Scheduled Shipping Date
Vendor Delivery in Full Date
Criticality Due to Critical Part List
Comments (My Organization)
Comments (Everyone)

Searching on Activity Log

The Search Bar on the Activity Log allows you to search for specific record updates within your organization. You can use the following parameters to search for your activity:

Searchable Parameters
PO No.
Customer PO No.
Part No.