Advanced Settings

Getting Started

The advanced settings tab allows you to manage the platform's security and the file server for your organization.


Password Complexity

There are a few options and checkboxes to enable/disable to adjust the password complexity. Disable “Use Default Setting” to allow customization for your password complexity.

Use Default SettingCheck this option will result in alignment with the platform's default

• Require Digit
• Require Lowercase
• Require Uppercase
• Require Non-Alphanumeric and Required Length = 3
Require DigitA number must be present in the password
Require LowercaseA lowercase alphabet must be present in the password
Require UppercaseAn uppercase alphabet must be present in the password
Require nonalphanumericA unique character (eg. symbol) must be present in the password
Required LengthMinimum character length of the password

User Lock Out

If you wish to lock out an account, you can enable this setting if the user has multiple failed login attempts.


You can also set the number of failed attempts before locking out the user and the lockout duration in seconds.

Two Factor Login

Two-factor login serves as an additional layer of security for your organization’s user accounts. The feature requires an extra step for users to authenticate their login.