Compliance Data
In this compliance data, under this tab is showing the current data that has provided on the transaction requirement.
You'll be able to change to see your asset compliance data by changing the droplist options.
- Airworthiness Directive Status
- Service Bulletins & Modification Status

Step to Providing a compliance data
Step 1: Select the "Compliance Data Type"
Step 2: Download the template
Step 3: Prepare the template data
Step 4: Upload the prepared data
Step 1: Select the "Compliance Data Type"

Step 2: Download the template
Click "Download Template"

Step 3: Prepare the template data
Prepare the data and fill into the template from, then save after complete prepared the data.
We recommend to use CSV file format.

In the Template File, there is an instruction for preparing the compliance data.

Instructions Tab
Step 4: Upload the prepared data
Click "Attach Data"

Browse your prepared file from the File Explorer.

Provide on the transaction requirement.
Updated over 1 year ago
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